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  •    ducviet@vstarcorp.com.vn    |          024.6251.0520

    Sharing with the community
    With the slogan “The future will be bright if you know hope, happiness will be full when receiving share”, we often call and conduct many activities to contribute society, help, support, response charity movements … In the company, we sponsor sport movements, raise funds …; support local organizations, visit and help families in difficult circumstances, workhouse …

    Sao Viet Equipment Accessory Limited Company always aware and make role, his responsibility exemplarily to the community and society.

    Hân Hạnh được tài trợ phát cơm sỹ tử năm 2014

    Hân Hạnh được tài trợ phát cơm sỹ tử năm 2014

    Determining responsibility for the sector, we are building Scholarship funds at famous universities in Vietnam: Construction University and Architecture University … in order to contribute to the promotion and development of research science, create a premise and a solid foundation for future generations of the country on the threshold of international economy integration.

    Chia Sẻ Cộng Đồng


    HOTLINE: [024.6251.0520]